
Carob Noodle (Servings: 4)

All-purpose flour 200g
Carob Powder 10g
Cold water 80g
Salt ¼ tsp

Carob Noodle Method:
1.Combine the water and the salt to make brine. In a separate bowl, gently combine the all-purpose flour and the carob powder. Then slowly add the brine little by little to a bowl of the carob flour mixture.

2.To avoid clumping, gently mix in the brine by hand until all of the brine has been absorbed into the flour. When the consistency is dry and crumbly, then form the dough into a ball.

3.Lightly dust a working surface and place the dough on it. Knead the dough.

4.After the gluten has developed and the dough is a nice, stretchy consistency, cover the dough with cling film and allow to rest for 1 hours.The cling film is needed to make sure the dough does not dry out.

5.Place the dough on a floured wooden board or flat surface and using a rolling pin, flatten out the dough into a square. After flattening into a square, wind the dough around the rolling pin and proceed to roll again on the pin to flatten further. Unroll the dough from the pin, and continue using the rolling pin to flatten until the dough reaches about 3mm in height.

6.Then fold the dough into thirds on top of each other. Cut the dough into noodles making 3mm-5mm in width cuts into the dough with a large chopping knife. To make sure that the noodles all finish cooking at the same time, make sure to make the width of the noodles are as similar in size as possible, unravel them and place them flat before boiling.

7.Boil the noodles for 15-18min in boiling water.Drain the noodles and rinse with water.Serve with the CAROB MINCED MEAT

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